DHL Global Payment Portal    

Frequently asked questions

If this is the first time you've received a Duty/Tax Invoice from DHL Express you may need a few questions answered. We hope this section provides all the information you require, but if you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
How the customs in BAHRAIN do the custom duty calculation?
They do the custom duty calculation based on FOB invoice + COO (USD 133/=) if not available. (If COO available, you can refund within three months).
What is the percentage of duty calculation?
Why am I charged BHD 50/= for COO?
Original COO is required for shipments valued above BHD 100/=, if not displayed at the time of inspection, customs apply the fee BHD 50/=
How long does the customs clearance process take to clear the shipment?
1 working day, if there are no additional customs requirements.
Why is my product held for ministry approval?
According to Bahrain Import Regulation- restricted material require various ministry approvals before entering the country.
What are the temporary Import/export procedures?
Consignee to pre alert to destination, Prepare an official letter to customs head office explaining the duration and reason of import/export, finally prepare the temporary bayan.
What is the admin charges applied?
BHD 5/= or 2% whichever is higher on total fiscal invoice amount.
What are the available payment methods?
  1. You may pay online using the link you received in our SMS or email. This is the best and fastest method of payment.
  2. Or you may pay at a DHL Service Point when you collect your shipment. This option is also available via the link in our SMS or email.
  3. Or you may pay by cash or cheque, when the courier delivers your shipment at your doorstep. However, note that personal cheques are not accepted by DHL.

Contact & Support

A. General Information
For DHL Bahrain general information, please visit the following URL:
or contact DHL Customer Service Hotline @ 17335005 or 17328444.

B. Regulatory information and consumer advice:
For Bahrain Customs general information, please check the Customs Website, where information on import regulations is available URL:
For Bahrain Regulated Commodities general information, please visit the following URL:
For Bahrain Chamber of Commerce general information, please visit the following URL: